Rooibos Tea
Rooibos Tea
Rooibos is a red tea from Africa. This is a delicious alternative to green or black tea. It is naturally caffeine free and has many other potential health benefits.
20 sealed bags.
Sensory properties of infusion :
(Method K10 AA19)
Infusion : 2,86g/110ml cooked water; 5 min brewing time
A tea sieve or filter has to be used for the preparation.
Important information: Always infuse with freshly boiling water an brew at least 5 minutes/ 5-x minutes! Only that
way you can make sure to have a safe foodstuff!
(Obligatory labelling term in Germany, except black and green tea)
Cup colour : reddish-brown
Taste : sweet, aromatic, typical.
Odour : sweet, aromatic, typical.
Quality requirements :
max. 0,5% other plant materials
max. 0,5% non plant materials
Hazardous foreign matters*: absent
living insects: absent
max 12
Safety data :
Special contamination and mycotoxines:
The maximum of defined contaminants and mycotoxins are regulated by 1881/2006/EC
in the recent version.
Microbiology :
Pesticides :
(Method accord to §64 LFGB)
corresponds to the valid version of THIE-Requirements
(formerly EHIA-Requirements) [2].
corresponds to the limits of the current European
Regulation 396/2005.
Shelf life : 24 Months with appropriate storage (kept originally
sealed, dry and cool storage, protect from direct
Storage conditions : Normal storage conditions with a maximum temperature
of 20°C and a maximum relative humidity of 60%.
The goods have not been treated with ultraviolet or ionization radiation.
Gene technology :
According to our current knowledge relating to gene manipulated plants, and in addition to the written confirmation we have available at our end from our planters and suppliers of raw materials, we can confirm that plant raw materials delivered by us are not gene manipulated.